What Does RPAC do For Me?

The National Association of REALTORS Political Action Committee (RPAC) is one of the strongest advocacy organizations in the nation for one reason: we have the best members. In politics there are players and victims. Investing in RPAC makes us players. Real estate is our profession, and politics is our business. Investing in RPAC allows us to determine the quality of our future in the industry.
Take a moment and imagine our industry without RPAC:

  1. Do you have the time to read through legislation at the local, state, and national levels to determine how it will impact you and your clients?
  2. Do you have time to lobby lawmakers?
  3. How would the elimination of the Mortgage Interest Deduction (MID) impact your ability to sell homes?
  4. What if NAR hadn’t worked with lawmakers to push for a 100% health insurance deduction for independent contractors?
  5. How many home buyers would be locked out of the market without FHA Single Family Insurance, VA programs, or other federal and state programs?